Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Finding Bedbugs

You can find bedbugs in almost any kind of place and on all kinds of surfaces. These insects don’t have wings and they are flat and hard which helps them to get into tiniest of cracks and cervices where they hide and lay their eggs. They have swift movements tat helps them to run for hiding quickly.

You can spot them on the white floor of marble but it would be very difficult to see them on darker colors as they are brown in color which turns into deep red after they have had their meal of blood. It is because of their color, movements and the shape of their body that bedbugs are hard to find.

There are different kinds of bedbugs as well. Most common of them are found at room temperature. They are found in urban areas as well as the environment suites them perfectly. They don’t need much to survive as long as they get what they need. Then there are tropical bedbugs as well which are found in tropics.

Besides our homes you can find bedbugs in bat caves and even bird nests. Anything that gives them warmth and blood to feed themselves on can be a home to bedbugs. You can find them in cracks in the walls or floor, wooden panels, furniture, under the carpets, mattresses. They are also found in your bedding or even your luggage.

An adult bedbug is a parasite that lives on the blood of others. Humans make a perfect host with the warm blood to suck. Most commonly they will make your bedroom as their home. There are a lot of other places for them to live even if we leave your bed which makes it ideal for them to live in.

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